Become a Member

Why Join?

JoinCommunication and leadership skills are crucial to success in the workplace, surveys show. Yet, high fees for seminars thwart those seeking the confidence necessary to face an audience.

Toastmaster membership provides a cost-effective option and is highly regarded in business circles. Toastmaster participation offers proven and enjoyable ways to hone communication skills and build leadership qualities. We've done it for more than 85 years! Do you want to...

  • learn to communicate more effectively?
  • become a better listener?
  • build impressive presentation skills?
  • increase your leadership potential?
  • become more successful in your career?
  • maximize your ability to motivate and persuade?
  • reach professional and personal goals?
  • elevate personal confidence?

How can you do it?

  1. Join Toastmasters and build speaking and leadership skills with TIME-TESTED METHODS
  2. Focus on your specific areas of interest using Toastmasters unique SELF-PACED CURRICULUM
  3. Receive suggestions for improvement and growth through CONSTRUCTIVE EVALUATIONS.

Please print and complete our membership form and bring it to our next meeting with your checkbook. Note: To access these files you will need to have Adobe Acrobat Reader installed on your computer. Follow the "Get Acrobat Reader" link to obtain a copy of the FREE software.

Please print and complete a copy of the membership form and bring it to our next meeting with your payment.

Note:To access the membership form you will need to have Adobe Acrobat Reader installed on your computer. Follow the "Get Acrobat Reader" link to obtain a copy of the FREE software.

Bill Gove Golden Gavel Toastmaster Club #6818
New Member Fee Schedule*
Month Toastmasters International New Member Fee Toastmasters International Annual Dues Bill Gove Toastmaster Club New Member Fee Bill Gove Toastmaster Club Annual Dues Total you will pay if you join during the month of ...
January $20 $90 $23 $18 $151
February $20 $80 $23 $16 $139
March $20 $70 $23 $14 $127
April $20 $60 $23 $12 $115
May $20 $50 $23 $10 $103
June $20 $40 $23 $8 $91
July $20 $30 $23 $6 $79
August $20 $20 $23 $4 $67
September $20 $10 $23 $2 $55
October* $20 $120 $23 $24 $187
November $20 $110 $23 $22 $175
December $20 $100 $23 $20 $163
*All memberships renew on 10/01/yyyy
Renewal membership dues are set at $144 per year subject to changes directed by Toastmasters International
or the by-laws of the Bill Gove Golden Gavel Toastmasters Glub.

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